What Happens if the Other Car in My Accident Is Uninsured?
While all licensed drivers in Ohio are legally required to have car insurance, some motorists either do not purchase the required insurance or let their policy lapse. If you are involved in a car accident and the at-fault driver is uninsured, this can complicate the situation. If you live in Ohio, you can purchase uninsured…
How Are Truck Accidents Investigated?
When a massive 80,000-pound commercial truck is involved in an accident with a passenger vehicle, the results can be catastrophic. Due to the size and weight of the average commercial truck compared to a passenger vehicle, more often than not, the occupants of the passenger vehicle involved in the accident suffer the most devastating, often…
Can I Still File a Claim if the Accident Was Partially My Fault?
Ohio is an at-fault state, which means you may recover partial damages from the other driver’s insurance following a car accident. Specifically, Ohio is a comparative negligence state, which means that more than one party is partially responsible for causing the accident. You may still recover financial damages, but they will be reduced by the…
What Causes Truck Hitch Failure Accidents?
The CDC reports that one out of every three long-haul truck drivers has been involved in a serious truck accident. Even though truck driver errors account for many of these, other things like hitch failures are to blame. These mechanical devices attach to the back of the truck cab and connect it to the trailer.…
Will My Car Accident Case Go to Trial?
When you are injured in a car accident, one of the first concerns that come to mind is who is liable. Many car accident cases are cut and dry and do not go to trial, where liability is straightforward. However, your car accident case may go to trial when a dispute over who is liable…
What Is the “No-Zone” Area of a Truck?
Every day, countless vehicles share the road with large trucks, making it essential for drivers to be aware of the potential risks and safety measures associated with these encounters. One key aspect to understand when driving near a truck is the concept of “no-zone” areas—blind spots where truck drivers have limited visibility. Failing to recognize…
How Are Truck Accidents Different Than Car Accidents?
Car and truck accidents have a few things in common, like typically being caused by driver error, resulting in property damage and injuries. Their differences are much more significant, however. The exponential size of a commercial truck is one factor that makes truck accidents more severe and complicated than ones that only involve cars. Do…
How Soon After a Car Accident Should I Hire an Attorney?
No one ever expects to get injured in a serious car accident, and once it happens, staying on top of things can be challenging. That is why it is important to prepare yourself for what is to come, and one of the best ways to do that is to hire an experienced car accident lawyer.…
Are Truck Underride Guards Mandatory?
Truck underride crashes are some of the deadliest accidents involving large tractor-trailers and passenger vehicles or motorcycles. Underride collisions occur when a passenger vehicle collides into and slides underneath the trailer. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), nearly 600 deaths are the result of underride accidents each year in the United States.…
What Can I Expect at My Free Consultation With a Car Accident Lawyer?
If you have been injured in a car accident, you may be feeling overwhelmed about what to do next, particularly if the expenses associated with the accident are starting to accumulate. By meeting with an experienced car accident lawyer, you can put your mind at ease and come up with a game plan for what…