Ohio Premises Liability Lawyers
Shopping malls, amusement parks, apartment complexes, and even office buildings can see many visitors on a busy day. Regardless of how busy a property or business may be, everyone expects to be safe when on any property. If someone is to get hurt while on those premises though, there are legal principles in place that hold landowners and tenants responsible for the injuries because of dangerous conditions or negligence. As a property owner or tenant is responsible for their visitors’ safety while visitors are on the premises, they are also responsible if a visitor is injured, but if the owner or tenant disputes the dangerous conditions or negligence, then an experienced team of attorneys is needed to help with premise liability litigation.
Premises liability law can vary from state to state, but there is one claim each litigation has in common: negligence or a wrongful act because of dangerous conditions from the landowner or tenant must be proven. Whatever may have caused the injury that has called for premise liability litigation, both the landowner or tenant and the injured party are important and equally involved in this type of legal action. The attorneys at Wolterman Law Office are experienced in representing both sides of premise liability cases and the distinctive obstacles each litigation may have.
One example is falling merchandise. Thousands of customers are injured by falling merchandise each year in the United States. Retail stores, particularly big box stores, routinely stack excess merchandise on high shelves throughout the store, as do many warehouses. Unsecured or improperly stacked merchandise or defective shelving can cause these items to fall and strike customers or employees below. The height and weight of the falling merchandise frequently cause severe injuries, most commonly to the head and neck, necessitating complex and long-term medical care or causing death. If the store is proven to be at-fault, the injured may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses and loss of wages, or disability if the accident causes a permanent disabling condition. In such circumstances, determining the amount of compensation owed is often a complex process involving many factors, beginning with the extent of the store owner’s premises liability.
The attorneys at Wolterman Law Office are a practiced and qualified team of litigators who are knowledgeable about the legal principles surrounding premises liability – both in and out of the court. As we know there’s no telling when an injury could occur, we’re not only open during normal business hours, but we offer special appointments to make ourselves readily available to all potential clients. Our business law professionals work to provide all clients with the best business litigation services and further legal services in southwest Ohio.
Whether you have been injured on a property, someone is claiming false negligence, or you are looking for ways to better your premises, everyone should know the legal principles surrounding premise liability, as well as their rights when involved in an injury. Our firm was opened by attorney Steve Wolterman with the commitment to provide people the highest quality of business legal services, backed by exceptional quality service – including premise liability litigation.
Contact us by email or call 513-790-4207 to arrange an initial consultation with attorney Steven R. Wolterman.
Our office is open for consultations from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays. Evening and weekend appointments may be available by special arrangement. Our attorneys will often make appointments to meet at client locations.