The aftermath of a jackknife truck accident can be devastating. These large vehicles can end up sideswiping other, smaller ones and then be left sitting across several lanes of traffic. There can be significant injuries, property damage, and also loss of life. How do these serious truck accidents occur?
Tractor-trailers have two parts: the large cab in the front, and the lengthy trailer attached on the back. Not only are they significantly larger than passenger vehicles, but they can also weigh as much as 80,000 pounds.
Tractor-trailers jackknife when they lose their grip or traction on road surfaces. As the two parts begin sliding, the driver loses control. Then, the trailer swings 90 degrees. The considerable length and weight of these vehicles make these accidents dangerous for all those involved.
Just like any other kind of motor vehicle accident, driver error is usually the main cause. Factors like icy or wet roads, sudden halts in traffic, and road debris can be to blame as well, but truck drivers are supposed to be well-trained and equipped to handle these events.
Truckers who are driving aggressively and speeding down highways are more likely to get into accidents too. Most drivers tend to get distracted from time to time, and this can also cause a jackknife accident. Since truck drivers are known to work long hours, it is not uncommon for them to be fatigued too.
A jackknife accident can also be the result of improperly loaded cargo. Being overloaded can throw the entire vehicle off balance, while light loads might not give the trailer enough road traction. The cargo must be properly secured too, as it can shift and lead to weight distribution problems. Mechanical errors like defective brakes or blown-out tires could also lead to jackknife accidents.
Trucking Industry Regulations
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the main federal government agency that regulates commercial vehicles in the U.S., and states like Ohio also have their own. These cover everything from emission standards to routing regulations to safety procedures. Since driver fatigue is an important concern, some laws regulate how many hours commercial truckers can drive.
The FMCSA’s hours of service restrictions vary depending on whether the truck is carrying property or passengers:
- On-duty truckers carrying property can work no more than 14 straight hours, preceded by 10 straight hours off-duty. This includes other working duties like loading and unloading cargo.
- For passenger-carrying vehicles, the maximum is 15 hours on-duty after eight consecutive hours of being off-duty.
- Truck drivers are not supposed to exceed 11 straight hours of driving when carrying property or 10 hours of driving with passengers on board.
- Truckers are also prohibited from working more than 60 hours for seven consecutive days.
Not following FMCSA regulations can lead to criminal and civil penalties, but many truck drivers and their employers may not always comply. Completing deliveries on time is a constant challenge, especially during the holiday season. Independent drivers and their employers might push to meet and exceed demand, leading to more fatigue, more driver errors, and more truck accidents.
What Should I Do After a Jackknife Accident?
After any type of truck accident, the first priority is to attend to medical needs. An ambulance may arrive at the scene along with law enforcement, and you or your passengers may need emergency care. It might not be possible to collect evidence at the scene if this happens, but a police report can provide some information. Anyone who is unharmed can snap photos of the crash, injuries, and property damage. With large accidents of this nature, there may be some witnesses who are willing to share their accounts as well.
Contact the insurance provider to inform them about the accident, but only provide basic details. This might also be a good time to reach out to a truck accident lawyer who has experience with these kinds of serious crashes.
Cincinnati Truck Accident Lawyers at the Wolterman Law Office Will Protect Your Rights After a Jackknife Accident
Truck accident survivors are not always fortunate enough to walk away unscathed and can end up with long-term injuries. If you have been injured in a jackknife accident and need legal representation, speak with one of our Cincinnati truck accident lawyers at the Wolterman Law Office. Call us at 513-488-1135 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation. Located in Loveland, Ohio, we serve clients in Hamilton County, Fairfield, Norwood, and Forest Park.