Noncompetition Litigation

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Noncompetition Litigation

Whether you work for a small business, a large firm, or have a nontraditional work environment, many employers are establishing ways to protect their information, as well as preventing unfair competition. When signing a contract with an employer, or if you are an employer who is hoping to ensure any current or former employees won’t leave to go work for the competition, the language used in non-compete agreements isn’t always the most distinguishable. Don’t presume, however, if one is to leave an employer that a noncompetition contract cannot be enforced or will be difficult to enforce, because with Ohio law, this isn’t the case.

The attorneys at Wolterman Law Office have numerous years of experience in litigation with regards to non-compete clauses or agreements and noncompetition contracts. Our business law professionals work to provide you with the best noncompetition litigation services in southwest Ohio.

Noncompetition agreements and the consequential laws surrounding them vary from state to state. Both the employer and the former employee are equally important in noncompetition litigation cases. However, as there is no broad criterion that fits every noncompetition litigation, everyone’s situation is different. The team at Wolterman Law Office is experienced in representing both sides of noncompete clause cases, the corresponding covenants, and the individual hurdles each litigation may face.

Whether you are an employee seeking noncompetition litigation against a former employer, or you are an employer seeking noncompetition litigation against a former employee, everyone needs to be protected when noncompetition agreements have been signed. Our firm was opened by attorney Steve Wolterman with the commitment to provide people the highest quality of business legal services, backed by exceptional quality service, which includes noncompetition litigation. Businesses change and grow over the years, as do those who work for the business. But when someone doesn’t necessarily have the company’s best interest in mind upon leaving, the experienced attorneys at Wolterman Law Office are the team to manage the noncompetition litigation.
Contact us by email or call 513-488-1135 to arrange an initial consultation with attorney Steven R. Wolterman.

Our office is open for consultations from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays. Evening and weekend appointments may be available by special arrangement. Our attorneys will often make appointments to meet at client locations.

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